Saturday, March 10, 2012

Abed's Serenade

This is the Best scary story ever told.
Abed is a master storyteller.
(and a pretty good hummer)

I love how this song keeps coming back as a reoccurring theme.

And because we should all care this much...
Here's the original:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Community is Coming Back!

The Return of my favourite show to primetime is something that brings me so much joy I might explode.
COMMUNITY Returns to NBC on March 15th.

I thought it would be good to post this somewhere, (Everywhere!) in celebration.

In honour of this heartwarming news I have just decided to blog about community every day leading up to its return.

Heres a tasty sneak preview trailer to inaugurate Brady's Community Week of Blogging!

*Spoiler alert*
(for reals, that's not just an Abed reference)

This might give away some of the plot of the rest of season 3.

- Brady