Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 19: Hunger Games & the 13th District (A Reading Response)

Its been ages since I read a book, and submitted a reading response just like the good ol' days when I was back at Briercrest College. So I thought I'd change up my routine of posting joyous youtube videos and practice my typing skills to share some thoughts with any and all fans of the Hunger Games.
I just read the first book in the series the past few days and thought I would post a reading response for my friends who encouraged me to read them.
This can't be as witty and detailed as a regular reading response, because I'm going to try and keep it to a short summary (for those who maybe haven't read it yet) followed by a lot of blabbing about the 13th district (for those who have read it).

IF you want none of this Reading trash and you only like videos... go Check the bottom of this post for a link to the trailer, since they're turning this story into an epic movie coming out in March 2012.

So you want a Summary?

The Hunger Games is a story set in post-apacolyptic North America called 'Panem'. Its told through the experience of a 16 year old girl named Katniss (aka. Catnip... but not really) who finds herself conscripted into a barbaric gladiator-style tournament where 24 kids battle ... To. The. Death.

That got your attention? no?
Well, it should. There are even Hovercrafts, land mines, crazy beasts, and, Oh, yah, its being broadcast around the world as entertainment. It's kind of the terrifying realization of where the TV Series, 'Survivor' might be heading 100 years in the future.

Most of the population (broken up into 13 Districts) is under-fed, over-worked, and at the mercy of the powerful government who reminds them every year of their failed uprising by hosting the Hunger Games. Each district sends two 'Tributes' (combatants) to fight for their lives in the arena.

That's all I'll tell you of the plot.
But for those of you who have already read it and want my take on it:

I could barely put this book down.
I literally went to bed one night at midnight after reading for a few hours, and had to get back up at 12:30, admitting that I couldn't sleep without worrying about these kids in the arena. I flipped on the light and just kept reading...

Now this post is already too long, so I'll just focus a bit on District 13.
Does anyone else suspect something huge is up with this curious district?
Why do we know nothing about it?
They say it's been destroyed and that all the citizens watched the demolition on their tv's... but I'm not convinced. I feel like their's still a resistance party living out in district 13 who are plotting another uprising. Maybe thats even where the tongue-less red-haired girl escaped from when they met Katniss in District 12... hmmm?

Now I'm going to get all Biblical on your blog-reading Selves.
I was noticing some curious similarities.

Isn't it curious that there are 13 districts?
It immediately made my mind go to the 13 tribes of Israel described in Genesis.
- Genesis 49 Describes the 12 sons of Jacob...
- Genesis 48:5 has Jacob blessing his son Joseph by giving his grandchildren an inheritance of his sons. Giving us 13.
“And now your two sons… are mine. Ephraim and Manasseh shall be mine, just as Reuben and Simeon are.”
- So we have 13 tribes. But Levites do not inherit land.
- So Biblically we have 13 tribes: 12 with land, and 1 with just people.

* In the Hunger games it’s flipped but still comparable.
We have 13 Districts: 12 with people, and 1 with just land

Now, I don’t like those guys that try to take stories and inject deep spiritual meaning into them, but I am just so curious about this 13th District in the Hunger Games… It’s got my mind wandering because of the very intentional avoidance of details. And when my mind wanders I can’t be held responsible for seeing Biblical Allusions… (can I?)

The whole mysterious 13th District, which apparently was demolished after the uprising against the Capitol, reminds me a little bit of a story in Judges. The tribe of Benjamin was almost Completely Destroyed after the battle of Gibeah in Judges 19-21.
Almost. But then they came back and within a couple generations become the birthplace of Israel’s first King.


I’m not saying that I think the same thing is going to happen in the Hunger Games series, because, hey… I don’t know. I haven’t read past the first book.
I’m just noting the similarities.

We got 13 tribes in Israel,
We got 13 districts in Panem,

One area rebels and incurs the wrath of the powerful, nearly destroying an entire group of people.

Will the 13th district rebuild and play a significant role in the politics of their world?
If that happens, I am calling attention to the source of that plotline as it played out in ancient Israel thousands of years ago for real.

There you go, Kevin. You wanted some of my thoughts on the Hunger Games, you got 'em.

For the rest of you... Your Moment of zen:

May the odds be ever in your favour...

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