Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7: Does anyone Remember Star Wars?

Ok so I think its time I confessed something on this blog...
When I was younger, I was the worlds biggest Star Wars Nerd.

I would watch my VHS movies on repeat while playing out the scenes with my action figures... (and also for some reason I would wear my rollerblades... I still dont get why that part was important. But it was.)

To this day, I still have a Millenium Falcon full of Action figures in a box somewhere. I also have a good amount of Star Wars books that take up far too much shelf space for any self-respecting adult (but thats ok, because self-respect is overrated).

I'm pretty sure my mom only invented a "Money-Jar System" for me as a kid to regulate the amount of paper route money that was allowed to go towards arbitrary action figures that barely even existed in the movies. Like seriously... I bought the robot who breaks prior to them buying R2D2... you know, the red one with the bad motivator? ... no? ... you don't... remember? ...
Whatever. Shut up.

So I'd just like to say, I still think they're great movies (the original 3 at least). And also I love all the dorky culture and fan base that surrounds the films. I like the nerdy Star Wars community.

They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, so I look forward to slowly becoming cooler in life as I confess all my nerdy baggage from my childhood. And what would my new blogging trend be without a smattering of Youtube's finest Star Wars related Viral Videos. These are some of my faves.

Hilarious retelling of the plot by a girl who has never seen the films.

Adorable little Girl explains Star Wars

Darth Vader having some fun.

One of the best lines delivered by one of the best Characters
(and yes... I have his Action Figure)

If you got any other sweet little Star Wars gems, throw 'em my way.
May the Force be with you,


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